Molly S. Judge DPM, FACFAS

Charcot Foot And Ankle

Why is it important to look into it?

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While statistics are most well defined in the diabetic patient with Charcot joint patients with immunoglobulin dysfunction, end-stage renal disease, chronic alcohol abuse, among others, can be afflicted by this debilitating destructive process of bone and joint. The prevalence of neuropathy in patients with diabetes is reportedly 7 times higher than in patients without diabetes.
The common denominator among those with Charcot's joint is autonomic dysfunction with diabetes being the most likely culprit for that condition.

Find the full article here: Judge, MS: Four step approach to stage 0 diabetic charcot neuropathy. Foot and Ankle Quarterly, Winter 2016, Vol. 27, No 4: 177-196

Do you want to learn more?

Read some articles that Dr. Molly S. Judge wrote about the subject

CRP Neuroparthropathy & Infection 2008 Japma

Utility Nuc Med 2004 F&A Quarterly

Here are other references from Dr. Judges work on Charcot and Diabetic Foot

Picture of female in sportswear stretching in exterior with foot on railing.

Molly S. Judge DPM, FACFAS

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